Frequently Asked Questions

Inventory of real estate and property regulates the responsibility of the parties for preservation. If you have to deal in court, inventory reports will help to restore justice.

At the start of a tenancy, inventory check-in is good for you. If you've been in a lease relationship for a long time and you already have an inventory report, then you just need to do a regular mid-term inspection and make a schedule of condition for it. If your tenants are moving out, then you need a check-out report.

One or two hours is sufficient for us, depending on the size of your home. The inspection is done to make a textual and visual description of the entire property. Our inventory clerks will prepare all the necessary documents in 1 day.

Of course, you can do it yourself. But turning to an inventory company guarantees a professional approach and objectivity.

Yes, you do. In this case, there will be a report on the state of the finish and repair of the property.

This is acceptable, all you have to do is tell us within 7 days and we will amend the report.

We are open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00. On Saturdays we open from 10:00 to 17:00.